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时间:2022-09-27 20:00:44 作者:语文迷 字数:2687字


There's a nosebleed


流鼻血───nose bleeding;要───want


Has your nose been hurt? Do you get any nose bleeding?───您的鼻子是否受过伤? 您有流鼻血 吗 ?

Objective : To investigate a new way to treat senile nose bleeding.───目的: 探讨治疗老年性鼻出血的新方法.

Leaves are toxic; being used in beriberi, nose bleeding and cough with phlegm and asthma.───有毒, 能治脚气风肿, 止鼻血,亦治痰喘咳嗽.

Objective To discuss the treating programme of the serious deviation of nasal septum led to nose - bleeding.───目的探讨重度鼻中隔偏曲并发鼻出血患者的治疗方案.

Nose bleeding, you should gently wipe.───鼻子出血时, 要轻轻擦拭.

But it caused nose bleeding if having too many of the roots.───可是,有一回吃多了些,鼻子直冒血。

Do you know how to stop your nose bleeding?───你知道怎样阻止你的鼻子流血 吗 ?


Leaves are toxic; being used in beriberi, nose bleeding and cough with phlegm and asthma.

I know of a recipe that is steamed with the cockscomb eat pig nose, treatment, nose bleeding due to heat caused by good, I do not know can be useful for your child.