Satellite map
satellite acts as a drag on the shuttle.───卫星是对航天飞机发展的阻碍。
Italy became a satellite state of Germany by the end of the 1930s.───意大利在20世纪30年代末成了德国的附庸。
The live satellite broadcast was beamed into homes across America.───此次卫星直播被发送到美国的千家万户。
The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials.───编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。
The news was beamed to East Africa by satellite.───新闻通过卫星向东非广播.
NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.───美国国家航空航天局计划发射一颗卫星上天,对宇宙射线进行研究。
The technology to allow relief workers to contact the outside world via satellite already exists.───能够让救援人员通过卫星与外界联系的技术已经存在。
China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television.───中国有将近1,500万卫星电视和有线电视用户。
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