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时间:2022-09-25 00:00:19 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2631字


Apply the medicine


下药───Apply the medicine


Apply some medicine to the wound.───给伤口上点药吧。

It has a rational structure, and is convenient for operation and low in cost. It can apply the medicine for therapy while irradiates light.───其结构合理,便于操作,它能在光照射的同时施以药物治疗,其造价低廉,为一次性使用。

The buffing can be 400#, apply to convey food or medicine.───抛光精度可达400#,适合输送食品级、药品级的物料;

The doctor will check the body and the cause of the disease, and, knowing the nature of the disease, can apply the medicine that cures it.───医生会检查身体与病因,在瞭解病情之后,他就会开药方治疗,然后我们就会恢复健康。

To be able to apply the medicine to the teat every time after milking, the cup containing the medicine has to be portable.───为了每次挤奶后对乳头进行药浴,药浴杯最好能够随身携带。

The Buddhists were permitted to learn, study and apply the medicine, but could not immerse it and live by it.───佛法与医术可以并行不悖,佛教徒可以学习、研究、应用医术,但不可执着于此、不可以此为生。
