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时间:2022-09-25 00:00:19 作者:语文迷 字数:2745字


This time last summer


去年───last year;夏天───summer


It is not surprising they did so badly in last year's elections.───他们在去年选举中如此糟糕的表现并不奇怪。

Last year 600 inmates rioted, starting fires and building barricades.───去年,600名犯人闹事,他们纵火并设置路障。

Last year, economic growth tailed off to below four percent.───去年,经济增长率下降到4%以下。

Oat bran became the darling of health freaks last year.───燕麦麸在去年成为保健狂人的最爱。

I love opera and last year I got tickets for Covent Garden.───我喜爱歌剧,去年我搞到几张科芬园皇家歌剧院的票。

Last year, he mailed the documents to French journalists.───他去年把这些文件寄给了法国记者。

Profits zoomed from nil in 1981 to about 16 million last year.───利润从1981年的零收益飙升至去年的1,600万。

The average Swede was off sick 27 days last year.───去年瑞典人平均休病假27天。


He qualified as a doctor last year.

She got a divorce from him last year.

He and Helen celebrated their silver wedding last year.

He lost his beloved wife last year.

He was bereaved of his wife last year.