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时间:2022-09-22 00:03:33 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2584字


Flash, flash


一闪一闪───Flash, flash


The night sky on the stars FLASH flash, the breeze Chuifu us, like in telling a beautiful story.───夜空上的繁星一闪一闪,微风吹拂着我们,好似在诉说一个美丽的故事。

Remember above how the flash sends out a pre-flash?───还记得前面提到的闪光灯预闪吗?

Apple products run more reliably without Flash: "Flash is the number one reason Macs crash."───没有Flash,苹果产品运行更稳定,Flash是造成Mac崩溃的元凶之一。

Flash flash in the sky Xingdoushan winked, as if chatting with him.───天上的星斗一闪一闪地眨着眼睛,仿佛在和他攀谈。

I left the deepest impression on you like a pair of the lake's clear eye, as well as the long, flash flash eyelashes.───留给我印象最深的是你那双湖水般清澈的眸子,以及长长的、一闪一闪的睫毛。

Talk to a half, suddenly found that out the window at us frequently flash flash, like a film star with the paparazzi, I was flattered.───聊到一半,突然发现窗外的闪光灯频繁地对着我们闪,好像是狗仔队跟拍明星一样,我受宠若惊。
