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时间:2022-09-22 00:02:41 作者:学习啦 字数:3499字


Sheldon said pause while playing the game


谢耳朵───Sheldon ;玩游戏───play a game


Sheldon : You want me to use my intelligence in tawdry competition?───想让我把才智耗费在这种脆而不坚的竞争上 吗 ?

Sheldon writes every day of the week, dictating his novels in the morning.───谢尔登一周7天都要写作,每天早上口述小说让别人记录。

Paul Sheldon: Why would you lose me?───保罗·谢尔登: 为什么你会失去我?

Sheldon: What do manners have to do with it? This is war.───这跟礼貌有什么关系? 这是战争.

For example, Peter Sheldon' s studies of trilobites, a now extinct marine animal with a segmented body, offer a detailed glimpse into three million years of evolution in one marine environment.───例如,彼得·谢尔登对于三叶虫的研究,那是一种已灭绝的身体分节的海洋生物,他的研究让我们得以一窥三百万年以来一个海洋环境的进化过程。

No significant discontinuous were observed, leading Sheldon to conclude that environmental conditions were quite stable during the period he examined.───没有观察到明显的不连续,谢尔顿得出结论,在他研究的时期,环境条件是相当稳定的。

Sheldon is steeped in his physics research.───谢尔顿沉浸在他的物理研究中.

Sheldon non - Newtonia n fluid, which is liquid, but solid under the percussive action of the speaker.───谢尔顿–它们组成了 非 牛顿流体.是一种液体, 但是在喇叭的冲击作用下就成了固体.


Margarett snaps Miss Sheldon, chaperone of the Florentine School, and two schoolmates lounging on deck chairs.

The Sheldon family have spent the past month wondering why.

The embalmer was John Sheldon, a recently qualified surgeon not much older than Miss Johnson herself.

Sheldon Manor, Wiltshire's oldest inhabited manor house.

Sheldon charged in the interview that only liberal groups were asked to sponsor the event.