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时间:2022-09-17 12:04:28 作者:趣历史 字数:2862字


Key tree


钥牡───Key tree


key tree based group key management algorithms are widely used in secure multicast.───安全组播目前主要采用基于密钥树的组密钥管理算法。

node coordinates are used to mark key tree in this scheme, which facilitates re keying.───该方案中密钥树采用节点坐标标记方法,便于密钥树的更新。

method for constructing of status key tree is proposed.───给出了状态密钥树的构造方法。

Scientists from Sri Lanka and Germany have developed a new method to measure biodiversity, and say it could help identify key tree species.───斯里兰卡和德国的科学家开发出了一种测量生物多样性的新方法,他们说该方法可能有助于发现关键的树木物种。

This paper proposes an update method for batch encryption keys based on the marking algorithm applied to key tree.───提出一种基于密钥树标记算法的批量密钥更新方法。

First, a new key tree topology comprised of main tree and join tree is put forward.───首先给出了一个包含主树和加入树的新型树形结构。


Based on batch group rekeying and group members behavior, propose a new method:probabilistic organization of the key tree, combining star structure and tree structure.

First, a new key tree topology comprised of main tree and join tree is put forward.