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时间:2022-09-17 12:03:26 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2433字


No joke in the army


戏言───Jest;军中───in the armed forces


The remark was made half in jest.───这话是半开玩笑说出的。

A true jest is not a jest.───真正的笑话并非笑话.

This a jest no longer.───这不再是个笑话了.

'Ah,'said the other,'that's jest it.───“ 嗯, ” 另一个道:“可真是.

A young machine hand, attracted by her looks, made bold to jest with her.───一位年轻的机工, 被她的美貌所吸引, 壮着胆子跟她开玩笑.

He could not divine what her look signified. whether she spoke in earnest or in jest.───他看不透她脸上的表情,究竟她说的是认真的还是戏谑的.

They made a jest of his ignorance.───他们笑话他无知.

Thus, Rahula, you should train yourself,'I will not tell a deliberate lie even in jest.───因此罗睺罗, 你应当训练自己: ‘ 我决不故意说谎,哪怕于戏笑之中. ’


Don't jest at her.