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时间:2022-09-17 12:02:59 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3212字


Ring the bell


铃声───Ring tone;响起───sound


My cell phone rings and because one has the capacity nowadays to select your own ring tone — right?───我的手机响了,因为现在每个人都可以,选择你自己的铃声,对吧。

It tricks filters by mimicking the name and file size of a cell phone ring tone.───这种邮件模仿手机铃声的名称和档案大小来瞒骗过滤系统.

And change her ring tone.───换掉她的铃声.

Handling corrupted ring tone files better.───更好的处理了损坏的铃声文件。

Multimedia ring tone ( MRT ) service is a value - added service which makes multimedia as the ring tone.───多媒体彩像 ( MRT ) 业务是一种采用多种媒体作为振铃音的增值业务.

You can record your own voice or any sound and make it your ring tone.───你可以录制你自己的语音或者任何声音然后把它作为你的铃声.

Don't need no ring tone songs now.───不需要任何铃声现在歌曲.

They develop software, games and ring tone for mobile phones, especially for iPhone.───他们以苹果系统作为服务平台,为手机, 特别是iPhone, 设计软件 、 游戏和铃声.


It uses the 1200 baud Bell 202 tone modulation and the first bit of data is transferred after receiving the first ring tone.

Monophonic - A monophonic ring tone is simply a series of notes, one musical note at a time.

Multimedia ring tone ( MRT ) service is a value-added service which makes multimedia as the ring tone.

Color Ring is the business of replacing the normal answer ring tone heard by the calling party when making a call with a variety of colorful songs, melodies, sound effects or voice recordings.