Drunk companion
He had gambled and roistered and drunk until he dropped in his tracks.───他赌博闹事又醉酒,直到当场死去为止.
Getting drunk is a thing all young men do.───喝醉酒这种情况小伙子都会有。
He was so drunk that he was quite incoherent.───他喝得这样醉,说起话来语无伦次.
He staggered home, drunk.───他喝醉酒,踉跄着回了家。
I remembered that we had drunk the last of the coffee the week before.───我记得我们在一个星期前就把最后的那点儿咖啡喝完了。
He was accused of operating the vessel while drunk.───他被控酒后驾船.
The drunk was making a nuisance of himself and so the manager threw him out on his ear.───那醉汉自己招人讨厌,因此经理不客气地把他打发走了.
He was arrested for drunk driving.───他因为醉酒驾车被拘留了。
英语使用场景 b>