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时间:2022-09-13 23:45:52 作者:语文迷 字数:2817字


Don't talk nonsense


乱讲───that 's bull;别───other


Tellingly, it hardly ever has been the case in the U. s. that a sector or industry group is the leader of two successive bull markets.───坦言之,在美国,还没有说哪一个板块或行业群是连续两个牛市的领涨者。

It's easy to live our lives doing what we want and thinking that our ways and instincts are right on target when in reality our "bull 's-eye" shots at life are not on target at all.───我们很容易一意孤行,还认为按着自己的方式与本能所做的事,总是正确无误,不偏不倚。即便事实是我们“正中红心”的生活,根本是无的放矢。

Neil: That's bull! That guy is a traitor and I despise him. And I'm such a schmuck for trusting him.───胡说八道!他背叛了我,我鄙视他。我要是相信他,我就是个傻瓜。

Berliner had a more blunt reaction to claims of higher electricity bills: "That's bull [expletive], " he told The Washington Examiner.───贝陵尔对于高电价做出更为直率的反应:“这是扯淡,”他对华盛顿观察报这样说到。

That's bull-shit. Screwy, Nobody didnt like him except you, He is the only chinese super star standing on the top of the world!───你丫就扯吧,你个变态,除了你没有人之前不喜欢他,他可是唯一一个站在世界顶峰的中国明星
