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时间:2022-11-17 16:04:15 作者:语文迷 字数:2465字


Clear your throat


清嗓───Clear your throat


need to clear your throat use a tissue, then put it in a litter bin. Never spit directly into a bin.───切勿随地吐痰,如有需要,可用纸巾将痰包好,再放入垃圾箱内,切勿直接吐痰入垃圾箱内。

you ever heard someone cough and immediately felt the need to clear your throat?───你是否曾听到某人咳嗽便立刻觉得也想清清喉咙?

Tell everybody your name. Right, get to clear throat.───告诉大家你的名字。好,要清一下嗓子。

Cora: It didn't SEEM like you came! I mean, usually a guy'll moan or something', you didn't even clear your throat!───似乎你根本没感觉嘛!我是说,通常男的会呻吟或什么的,但是你甚至都没有清一清嗓子!

Have you ever heard someone cough and immediately felt the need to clear your throat?───你是否曾听到某人咳嗽便立刻觉得也想清清喉咙?

Cough, sneeze or clear your throat into your microphone;───按住发射键时咳嗽,打喷涕,或清嗓子;
