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时间:2022-11-17 04:01:22 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3027字


Man and a Woman


男欢女爱───Man and a Woman


once a man and a woman who had long in vain wished for a child.───从前,有一对男女,他们一直想要个孩子,但一直没有实现。

Everyone can discern between the shapes of a man and a woman.───人人都能区别男女形体.

A simple conversation can be variable event to a man and a woman.───一次普通的谈话对男士和对女士来说没出国疑问是两码事.

A standard kiss with a man and a woman kissing lip to lip.───男女之间的标准吻法是嘴对嘴的吻.

On the mantel were photographs of a man and a woman.───壁炉架上面是一对男女的一些照片。

The police arrested a man and a woman.───警察逮捕了一男一女.

In 1998 the state passed a law defining marriage as between a man and a woman.───1998年该州通过的一部法律定义婚姻限于男女之间.

A man and a woman in donations to meet the centre, the two chat up.───一男一女在捐献中心碰面了, 两人聊了起来.


Inside the room, a man and a woman were wrestling. They were both naked. George R.R. Martin 

A man and a woman were charged on April 15 with conspiracy to cause explosions and with possession of explosives and arms.

This time, a man and a woman interviewed me.

I crawled past a man and a woman, whispering to each other with an intensity beyond comprehension.

A man and a woman watched as we came alongside with myself leaning over the side of the open bridge of Venturous.