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时间:2022-11-17 00:12:53 作者:趣历史 字数:2836字


He is a businessman




A businessman who refused to pay protection money was shot nine times.───一位拒交保护费的商人被打了9枪。

He looks every inch the City businessman.───他完全是一副伦敦金融城商界人士的派头。

The rich businessman endowed the hospital with half his fortune.───这位富商把他的一半财产捐赠给那所医院.

I'm just an ordinary businessman, trying to earn an honest penny.───我只是个普通生意人, 想老老实实赚点钱谋生.

He is a smart businessman.───他是一个精明能干的生意人.

Although he subsequently became a successful businessman, his criminal past caught up with him.───尽管后来他成了事业有成的生意人,以前的犯罪前科终究让他尝到了苦果。

He is charged with kidnapping a businessman last year and holding him for ransom.───他被控于去年绑架了一名商人并勒索钱财。

I want to empower the businessman.───我想给那个商人授权。


A wealthy businessman has stood bail for him.

The library has received a generous bequest from a local businessman.

A City businessman swindled investors out of millions of pounds.

He built up a reputation as a tough businessman.

A businessman should grab at any chance to make a profit.