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时间:2022-11-14 12:02:26 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2609字


Every penny has its value


一分钱───red cent;价值───value


Those old useless things are not worth a red cent!───这些老旧而无用的东西毫不值钱 啊 !

She offered me a ring in exchange but it wasn't worth a red cent.───她给了我一枚戒指作为交换,但那是不值钱的玩意.

Black were the colour of cent of cent favoured red cent pink.───此外,60%的女孩青睐黑色鞋,16%的女孩喜爱红颜色的鞋,7%的人喜爱粉色鞋.

I don't care a red cent.───本人毫不在乎.

We thought that we as if are not worth a red cent.───我们觉得自己似乎一文不值.

The ideas he presented were not worth a red cent.───他提出的意见毫无价值.

Politician: I don't accept red cent.───政客; 我一分钱都没收.

I didn't get a red cent for all my work.───我做了那么多工作,可什么也没得到。


I wouldn't give him one red cent for that car.

Not one single red cent!

The ideas he presented were not worth a red cent.

It turns out his paintings aren't worth a red cent.

Politician: I don't accept red cent.