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时间:2022-11-13 08:03:49 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2774字


Can't stay up late


熬夜───Stay up late;不能───No


On April 14 some people stay up late trying to finish all the tax forms.───四月十四日这天有些人熬夜加班以填写所有的纳税表.

Did I stay up late to polish one PowerPoint slide? Yes.───我是否因为需要完善一页幻灯片而熬夜? 是的.

Doctors suggest that people should not stay up late even on holidays.───医生建议,即使在节假日人们也不应该熬夜.

Why? It's Friday. You should stay up late like me.───为什么? 今天是星期五. 你该跟我一样熬夜.

Can leukaemia person smoke stay up late?───白血病人可以抽烟熬夜 吗 ?

It's very stressful for you to stay up late working every night.───你天天熬夜工作很伤神的.

Don't stay up late every night.───不要每晚都熬夜.

I used to stay up late studying every night so I always overslept the next morning.───我以前总是每晚都熬夜学习,所以隔天早上总是睡过了头。


I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies.

I let the kids stay up late on Fridays.

Can I stay up late tonight?

Afterwards she relented and let the children stay up late to watch TV.

Do I get to stay up late when Dad comes home from his business trip?