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时间:2022-11-12 20:01:05 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2902字






WeiJin is a unique phenomenon in the history of Chinese culture.───魏晋风度是中国文化史上的一种独特现象。

All these had an important influence on the poetry about immortals in Weijin Dynasty.───所有这些都对魏晋游仙诗创作产生了重要影响。

WeiJin time sage view is in Chinese philosophy history rare and beautiful flowers.───魏晋时期的圣人观是中国哲学史上的一支奇葩。

Ontology as the elementary thoughts were scattered among the works of ideologists in WeiJin dynasty.───本体论作为元思想散见于魏晋思想家们的著作之中。

Ruan Ji is a major poet at the turn of WEIJIN at his 82 "Yong Huai Poem" , whether ideological, or art, have made important achievements.───阮籍是魏晋之交的重要诗人,他的八十二首五言《咏怀诗》无论是思想上、还是艺术上都取得了重要成就。

Metaphysics was very prevailing during WeiJin period. The peerage literati appreciated nature widely, even with no exception of Buddhism.───魏晋玄学风气盛行,登山涉水成为士族文人的普遍爱好,甚至就连释教中人也不例外。


In the late of the Weijin era, the arrogation of the revenge logic to the law became more and more prominence in the revenge literature theme.

WeiJin Sacred Music comes from folk music and is made by literati.