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时间:2022-11-12 16:11:24 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2672字


a wicked and fierce person


鹰───eagle;狼步───Wolf step


If you're lucky, a splendid golden eagle may soar into view.───幸运的话,会有一只光彩夺目的金雕飞入你的视野。

The trapped eagle glared at his captors.───被诱捕到的雄鹰凶狠地瞪着捕获它的人.

The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.───真理的光辉不怕笼罩,山鹰的眼睛不怕密雾.

The eagle swooped down on a chicken.───老鹰猛扑小鸡.

If the wolf doesn't turn back its head , the eagle is helpless.───狼只要不回转身来,他就毫无办法.

The eagle was an emblem of strength and courage.───鹰是力量和勇气的象征。

She knew the exact location of The Eagle's headquarters.───她知道“飞鹰”总部的确切地点。

The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.───老鹰无需振翼就能翱翔.


The eagle is the animal most sacred to the Native Americans.

The eagle flies very high.

An eagle swooped low over the trees.

The eagle seized its prey in a tenacious grip.

The eagle poised in mid-air ready to swoop on its prey.