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时间:2022-11-12 00:01:27 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2666字


Meng an


梦安───Meng an


Wang Meng is not only a famous writer but also an active literature critic.───王蒙不仅是一个著名的作家,同时也是一个活跃的批评家。

Xia Meng, a 24-year-old who works as an accountant, is one of them.───24岁的会计师夏梦(音译)就是其中一位。

Edited by poet Chiu Meng and prefaced by Guozheng Chen, The Feast of Poetry, an anthology including 39 contemporary Vietnamese poets was published in Vietnam.───由越南诗人秋梦主编、陈国正作序的《诗的盛宴》由越南华文文学会出版。该书收录了老、中、青当代越南诗人39位。

When he was just a child have the last time out, North Hongran wall collapsed, the dust stirred up by Tong Shi Meng-an .───当他刚刚把最后一个小孩子抱出来的时候,北墙轰然倒塌,激起的灰尘蒙了童世强一身。

Junsuke six years, the Southern Song Dynasty (AD 1246), Meng An-jen for granted temple, Wang Ying afternoon to remember.───南宋淳祐六年(公元1246年),孟安仁奉旨建庙,王应午作记。

A Suggestion to Mr. Wang Meng, an Enthusiast for the National Middle School Students Composition Contest───向热心于全国中学生作文大赛的王蒙先生提一个建议
