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时间:2022-11-11 12:09:12 作者:学习啦 字数:2715字


Green robed censor


青袍───Green robe;御史───Censor


In the very middle of the temple sat a majestic woman in a flowing robe of green colour. Her head propped on her hand, she seemed buried in deep thought.───在神殿正中坐着一位穿的流动着绿色的长袍的女人。她一手支撑着头,看起来在沉思中。

Due to green ink being used in surcharge on the Red Revenue Stamp, it was known as "Red Maiden in Green Robe".───因用绿色油墨加盖在红印花原票上,故被雅称为“绿衣红娘”。

The robe is an elegant pale yellow colour with light green hints.───酒体颜色优雅大方,呈淡黄色,并略显淡绿色。

Then they heard the cries of a herd of goats. A young maiden dressed in pale green robe herded tens of goats down the street.───忽听得咩咩羊叫,一个身穿浅绿衫子的少女赶着十几头山羊,从长街东端走来。


In a green robe, sunshine-splashed and spattered with the songs of thieving birds, you came sauntering between the vines.

She wore pert green velvet slippers and a lovely sea green robe.

Due to green ink being used in surcharge on the Red Revenue Stamp, it was known as "Red Maiden in Green Robe".