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时间:2022-11-05 03:59:55 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2544字


Exemption amount


免征额───Exemption amount


The Senate proposals would chip away at that exemption by limiting the amount that would remain tax-deductible based on employees' incomes or the value of their plans, or both.───美国参议院计划在所有人的基础收入上进行金额限制以推行减税继续,或两者兼而有之。

Concrete amount is the final outcome of exemption, determined by the exemption policy and exemption system.───具体额度是个税免征额的最终表现,它是由免征额政策与制度决定的。

In the reform of personal income tax, comprehensive exemption amount is the developing direction for the exemption amount of salary income.───在个人所得税改革中,工资薪金免征额的发展方向是综合免征额。

Increase the exemption amount for the individual Alternative Minimum Tax.───提高个人替代性最低征税额。

In the process of personal income tax collection, exemption amount of salary income plays a role in alleviating the burden on taxpayers.───在个人所得税的征收过程中,工资薪金免征额起到减轻纳税人负担的作用。
