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时间:2022-11-04 04:03:22 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2626字


Even eyes


眼睛───eye;双数───even numbers


The seeing eye dog was the blind man's constant companion.───导盲犬是盲人的忠实伙伴.

The pretty girl got the eye as she walked past the boys on the street corner.───那位漂亮的姑娘走过大街拐角的时候引起了男孩们的注意.

The worms cannot be seen by the naked eye.───这些虫子用肉眼看不见。

Wear eye protection when opening the container, since it's so easy for contents to spurt out.───打开容器时要戴好护眼罩,因为里面的东西很容易喷出来。

Clive , as you know, your mother and I saw eye to eye about sending you to university.───克莱夫, 你知道,关于你上大学的事, 你母亲和我意见一致.

He dotted me in the eye.───他击中了我的眼睛.

He could not look her in the eye.───他不敢直视她的眼睛。

He has some foreign matter in his eye.───他眼睛里有异物.


He is blind in one eye.

Beauty is in the beholder’s eye.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder [gazer].

His eye/gaze roved hungrily about the room.

Our eye react s to light.