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时间:2022-11-03 20:03:51 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2613字


There are many toys here




I'm sad about my toys getting burned in the fire.───我的玩具在这场火中付之一炬,这令我很难过。

The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.───大木篮子可以用来装玩具。

He picked up the scattered toys.───他把散落的玩具捡了起来。

The toys are available by mail order from Opi Toys.───这些玩具可以从Opi玩具公司邮购。

Importers flooded the market with cheap toys just before Christmas.───进口商们在圣诞节前大量拋售廉价玩具.

I would line up my toys on this windowsill and play.───我会把玩具排在这个窗台上来玩。

He was really too old for children's toys.───他已经长大了,实在不再适合玩儿童玩具了。

The little child stared at the toys in the shop - window.───那小孩盯着商店橱窗里的玩具.


He picked up the scattered toys.

These toys are made from tough plastic.

These are good strong toys for tiny tots.

Put your toys away now, it's bedtime.

The children fastened their eyes on the toys.