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时间:2022-11-03 20:02:06 作者:学习啦 字数:2798字


A bow


貊弓───A bow


Farling smiled in acknowledgment and gave a bow.───法林微笑致意并鞠了一躬。

The stout barman in a bow tie presented himself to take their order. "Good morning, sir. The usual?"───那位系着领结的粗壮的酒吧男招待走过来请他们点菜。“早上好,先生。跟以往一样?”

He was armed with a bow and arrow.───他佩带着弓箭。

Called a bow roller because a block at the front end of the fitting rolls as the anchor line comes in or goes out.───由于锚缆放出或收回时,该装置的前端有滑轮随之滚动,因此被称为“bowroller”。

He had an adventurer's turban on his head. He held a bow in his left hand and his quiver hung on his right hip.───头上戴着猎人的头巾,左手持弓,右跨下挂着一个箭袋。

He was known as a cheerful personality around the office with a light-hearted manner. Former colleagues said he sometimes wore a bow tie.───同事认为他是一个性格开朗,古道热肠的好人,他有时候会扎一条蝴蝶结领带,或穿一条海军裤子来上班。


Can you tie a bow?

He was armed with a bow and arrow .

The little girl tied the ribbon in a bow.

She pulled the ribbon tightly and tied a bow.

She tied the ribbon tightly in a bow/knot.