You're terrible
The bad eggs wielded power, while the good people were oppressed.───坏人当道, 好人受气
The bad man died in his boots at last.───那个不法之徒最后死于非命.
If we don't speak of our achievements, they won't run away . If we don't find out our faults , we'll be in a bad way.───成绩不夸跑不了, 缺点不找不得了.
His temper is going from bad to worse these days.───这些日子,他的脾气愈变愈坏.
I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.───我不走运,打牌总输.
A wise person eschews bad company.───聪明人远避恶友.
He was a bad worker who always watching the clock.───他是一个看着钟下班的懒工人.
If anything should happen to him, that would be too bad.───如什么意外的事临到他的头上, 可就糟了.
He that spares the bad injures the good.
Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.
A bad thing never dies.
Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.
Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather.