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时间:2022-11-03 08:00:46 作者:学习啦 字数:2337字


Knee talk


膝谈───Knee talk


You have such high savings rates in Asia and as soon as you talk about recession the knee-jerk reaction in the Asian community is to switch into this even higher savings mode,” he said.───他表示:“亚洲储蓄率已经相当高了,但一旦谈到衰退,亚洲社会的本能反应就是转向更高的储蓄模式。”

In Miami, it's all about the Big Three. In L. A., the title talk begins and ends with Kobe's knee.───在迈阿密,人们讨论的都是三巨头。在洛杉矶,话题从头至尾都围绕着科比的膝盖。

Above all,anything that could bother a seven-year-old was something that I could always talk to him about.Papa would set me on his knee and listen to me cry.He made the world go away with one hug.───尤其是,我总可以跟他谈任何让一个七岁孩子烦恼的事." 爸爸"会把我放在他膝上,听我哭泣,他只要拥抱一下我,我就会雨过天晴.
