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时间:2022-11-03 00:00:15 作者:趣历史 字数:2265字


I'll be ready in a minute


马上───right off;就好───Just fine


I'm tired of it and mean to go to work at something right off.───我已对此厌倦了,真想立刻就干点什么.

His mother marched him right off home with her.───他母亲让他马上跟她回家.

The car spun right off the track.───汽车完全开出了车道。

He's wearing the bottoms of his feet right off.───他脚板都磨破了.

Right off the bat you should have put two and two together.───你本应该马上作出合理推论的.

I get into bed at about 11:30 and go right off to sleep.───我11:30上床睡觉,一会就会入睡.

You can tell a Poetry Club member right off.───你可以立刻分辨出诗社的成员.

As it's getting very late, all of you go right off to bed at once.───现在很晚了,你们所有人马上去睡觉。
