Title meeting
题名会───Title meeting
If your office is a "title" one, though you call your boss Charlie when meeting alone, you should still call him Mr. Dodd when others are around.───如果你的公司规矩是称呼职位,那么在单独会见时,您可以直呼老板查理,而其他人在场时,应称其多迪先生。
window title is not used anywhere else in the application and can be changed to any value you prefer (for example, Appointment, Meeting, or "Meeting by" + person's name).───应用程序的其他地方不会用到窗口标题,您可以将窗口标题改为自己喜欢的任何值(例如Appointment、Meeting或“Meeting by”+人名)。
After receiving the meeting notice and understand the title, nature, meeting time, number of participants and layout requirements.───接到会议通知单后,了解会议名称、性质、开会时间、与会人数及布置要求。
英语使用场景 b>