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时间:2022-11-02 04:03:01 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2993字


Zheng Yi


郑义───Zheng Yi


The article gives an account of the natural content of some elements, 666 and DDT, of soil and plant in Yi Zheng Chemical fibre area, and gives a current assessment of soil.───本文叙述了仪化地区土壤植物中某些元素的含量,并作了土壤现状评价。

From the perspective of foreignization strategy, the author intends to conduct a comparative study of the two English versions of AH Q Zheng Zhuan given by Yan Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang and William A.───从异化策略的角度,本文作者尝试对《阿Q正传》的两个英文译本进行比较研究,这两个译本分别由杨宪益戴乃迭夫妇以及威廉·莱尔翻译。

In the case of being a unicyclic mixed graph, Fan Yi-Zheng gives a remarkable result on the structure of the eigenvectors corresponding to its smallest eigenvalue.───对于非奇异单圈混合图,范益政给出了其最小特征值所对应特征向量的一个很好结构性质。

in the successive four years , the annual output value of zheng yi machinery triples every year.───连续四年来,正意机械每年的产值都在以翻两翻的速度增长。

His Wu Jing Zheng Yi greatly affects the thought and culture in the latter half of feudal society in China.───其学识渊博,尤以精通五经称于世,奉敕编撰的《五经正义》,对中国封建社会后半期的思想和文化,具有极其重大的影响。

Zhang Da Zhuang Xiang Zheng Yi Men Cun , Ningjin County, De Zhou City, Shandong Province───山东省德州市宁津县张大庄乡郑仪门村
