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时间:2022-11-02 00:04:40 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2454字


Force a case


逼格───Force a case


Because if that's the case, mg then there will be here a force mg, mg and then here there will be a force mg upwards.───因为如果处于一直线,就会有一个力,这里就会有一个,向上的力。

Mr Chanda makes a solid and attractive case for globalisation and its potential as a force for good.───钱德先生在本书里为全球化营造了一个坚实与引人注目的例子,并且其中潜藏着一种为人类造福的力量。

For example, in the case of rape women were once too embarrassed to report the crime to a male dominated police force that was awash with sexist beliefs about women and their position in society.───例如在强奸案方面,女性曾经因感到尴尬而不敢向男性主导的警队报告罪行,警队中也充斥着对女性及其社会地位的性别主义观念。

Thought and Investigation of the Non-farming Employment of Peasant Labor Force--A Case with Hanchuan in Hubei───农民劳动力非农就业调查与思考--以湖北省汉川市为例分析
