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时间:2022-11-01 16:00:55 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2679字


A quiet night


静暝───A quiet night


I'd rather have a quiet night.───我宁愿有一个宁静的夜晚。

Never mind the carbon, what about a quiet night?───不在乎二氧化碳的排放,那么能过一个宁静的夜晚吗?

We don't go out much. Give me a quiet night in front of the TV any day!───我们不常出去。我宁愿坐在电视机前安安静静地过一夜!

Up to that time, it had been a quiet night, by Tatiana's standards at least.───到目前为止,这个夜晚很太平,至少以塔蒂亚娜酒馆的标准而言。

For last Tuesday, I planned to spend a quiet night at home but I met someone online in the night, so, I went over to spend time with him.───然后,星期二晚,一心在家安静地渡过,但认识了一个人,于是,半夜走到香港岛与朋友相聚。

Deliberately to avoid the crowd is blatant, want more not thinking, just a quiet night.───刻意避开人群的喧嚣,想要更多的不是考虑,只是一个静谧的良宵。


I'd rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.

I'm going to have a quiet night in .

We don't go out much. Give me a quiet night in front of the TV any day!