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时间:2022-11-01 12:02:08 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3162字


New year




Wang Shuo, on the other hand, struck out in anger.───另一方面,王朔则以愤怒出位。

Managing editor Wang Shuo also said he was leaving the magazine.───主编王烁也表示,他即将离开这家杂志。

Wang Shuo wrote urban “hooligan” literature.───王朔写的城市的”流氓“的文学。

Dongfang Shuo was one of the outstanding comedians in the comic literary group from Early Qin to Han Dynasty.───滑稽家是先秦至汉代文人集团中一个非常有个性的团体。

To a few days ago, Wang Shuo also openly said Yang Lan's husband is a "liar" and before long, WU Zheng also said the academic was a fake.───想在几天之前,王朔还公开说杨澜的丈夫是“骗子”,很久之前,还有人说吴征的学历是假的。

Li Shuo was that the best way to stimulate the desire to micro-Bo activities have incentives.───李硕认为激发欲望最好得方式就是微博活动得奖励机制。


This study is of Shuo Wen's Chongwen Phonogram Characters which is mainly refers to a group of words which both the Chongwen and its corresponding Standard Seal are Phonogram Characters.

Shuo Wen Jie Zi is a cyclopaedia involving of ancient culture about ancient society history and literature materials.

Thus Dongfang Shuo writes a fictional story aFei You.

Finally what Chinese dialect words in SHUO WEN JIE ZI remain in modern dialect districts is that Chinese dialect words in Min dialect are the most while those in Mandarin the fewest.

An urbanite from Hebei province, Shi Shuo graduated from Tsinghua University in 2008 with a major in art design.