Bovine parts
They keep animals, e . g . goats and cattle.───他们饲养家畜, 例如山羊和牛.
After a summer here the poorest sheep and cattle grow strong and fat.───经过一个夏天,连最差的牛羊在这里也长得又肥又壮了.
The cattle are well fenced out.───牛群被妥善地用栅栏隔开了.
He feeds oats to his cattle.───他给牛喂燕麦.
Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes.───乡间强盗正在学习早期西部人的做法,先让牛群受惊四处乱窜以转移农民的注意力,然后再洗劫他们的房屋。
Most farms have a pond from which cattle can drink.───大多数农场都有水槽让牛群饮水.
Cattle should be killed cleanly and humanely.───牛应该被干净利落地无痛屠宰。
He had sought work as a cowboy, rounding up cattle.───他找了一份放牛的差事,负责把牛赶到一起。
Cattle were grazing in the field.
The barley is fed to the cattle.
The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle.
The cowboys rounded the cattle up.
Hereford cattle have a long pedigree.