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时间:2022-11-01 04:04:14 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2925字


Jiang Hao


蒋浩───Jiang Hao


Jiang Hao wanted to say goodbye to his teacher.───姜浩刚想跟老师道别,恰好爸爸回家了。

Coming back from America, Jiang Hao changed a lot.───从美国回来之后,姜浩的变化很大。

Jiang Hao is ruined by your money.───姜浩就毁在你们家太有钱了。

But it was the couple's authentic thought that school was only a place for Jiang Hao to stay in, not for his future.───可这是姜春阳夫妇的真实想法,让姜浩上学并不是为了让他学出啥出息,就是有个地方可待。

Therefore, each time Jiang Hao made mistakes, he would never get critism but encouragement from his parents.───所以,每次姜浩闯祸,从父母那里非但听不到批评,反而是鼓励。

Before senior middle school, affected by his parents, Jiang Hao upheld the notion that study was useless.───上高中之前,姜浩是“读书无用论”的拥护者,这完全是受了他的父母的感染。


This extends totally the structure theorem of finite simple BCK algebras by Jiang Hao to the case of infinite simple BCK-algebras.

Another when reporter place masters bank Jiang Hao curtilage plot, taste with Shang Chen almost belong to same level, contemporaneity , the position is a bit poor.

At around 9 o'clock on April, 10th, 2009, Jiang Hao swallowed 100 sleeping pills. Afraid that he could not die, he cut his wrist with fruit knife.