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时间:2022-11-01 04:01:47 作者:学习啦 字数:3354字


Zigong, Sichuan




go: Spring is the best time to visit Zigong for local festivals.───最佳旅游时机:春天是去自贡旅游的黄金时间。

From Zigong passenger transport terminus, there are nearly ten buses daily running to Leshan and two buses to Dazu County.───自贡每天大约有10班车开往乐山,2班车开往大足。

Chimingzhongwai the company is located in the Millennium salt - Zigong City, Sichuan Province.───我公司位于驰名中外的千年盐都 —— 四川省自贡市.

Guo Jingming was born in Zigong City, Sichuan Province.───郭敬明出生于四川省自贡市.

Sichuan 3 Zigong, an ancient town of Shangli.───四川三)自贡, 上里古镇.

Objective To investigate the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes mellitus in Zigong city of Sichuan province.───目的研究四川省自贡市儿童1型糖尿病的发病率.

Nanhu Ecological Town is situated in the south of Zigong.───南湖生态城位于自贡市城市中心区南侧.

Exhibition of lanterns from Zigong city were lighted up for trial on Tuesday.───当晚,2007南京·自贡大型艺术灯会开始试灯,60组大、中、小型彩灯把南京玄武湖装点得美不胜收.


A moderate halophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium was isolated from the bittern of Zigong Salt Factory, Zigong, Sichuan.

Zigong ransomed a person but he was unwilling to take the money.

The second part studies the special type and syntactic structure of zigong Dialect.

First of all, strict selection of raw materials at high-quality fresh off the second Vitex V Law, Yunnan super do horsebean, Zigong salt, high-quality flour.

These dataes showed that Zigong black goat was a goat with advanges of the litter-bearing, the many lambs of per litter, the high fecundity and the perennial oestrus.