I want a Luthansa trident out of New York at 12:15.───我要十二点十五分飞离纽约的汉莎三叉戟的机票.
The Trident 30 km ahead of your left.───三叉戟在前方三十公里.
Prudence cannot be at the expense of prestige when it comes to the Trident nuclear deterrent.───在“三叉戟”系统(Trident)的核威慑力问题上,节俭是要的,但不能以牺牲声望为代价.
Hold your position give way to the Trident.───保持原位给三叉戟让路.
I have always played with two strikers, even in a trident attack.───我总是使用双前锋, 即便是三叉戟进攻组合亦是如此.
The fifth dentist caved , and now they're all recommending Trident?───第五位牙医投奔他们,推荐“三叉戟”?
To replace Trident, when we face no nuclear threat, could start a nuclear arms race.───在我们没有遭遇任何核威胁的时候发展核武器, 只会引起新一轮的核武器竞赛.
Patients usually had typical rhizomelic short stature, large head, frontal bossing and trident fingers.───患者大多有典型的四肢近端短小, 大头, 前额突出,以及三叉戟状手.
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