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时间:2022-10-30 16:04:09 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2545字


By the sky


凭霄───By the sky


Perhaps they navigate by the night sky.───也许他们通过夜晚的天空来导航。

Ujigawa says that ideas originally espoused by the Sky City 1000 project have since been used in more conventional construction.───Ujigawa还表示,为天空之城1000而积累的许多设计理念目前已经用在了更为传统的建筑工程上。

his avatar body he is sent by the Sky People (humans like us who have ruined their own planet), to another planet.───他的化身被天空人(摧毁了自己的星球的“人类”)派往另一个星球。

Followed by the sky and left-wing literary movement has remained a revolutionary literary movement of such tendencies.───继之而起的左翼文艺运动基本保持了革命文学运动的这种倾向。

In his avatar body he is sent by the Sky People (humans like us who have ruined their own planet), to another planet.───他的化身被天空人(摧毁了自己的星球的“人类”)派往另一个星球。

Both by the sky crane connection, form a complete park scenic area.───两者以空中吊车连接,形成一个完整的公园景区。
