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时间:2022-10-30 12:04:31 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2790字


On the way to school


上学路───The way to school;上───upper


The pupil dawdled all the way to school.───这名小学生一路上游游荡荡去上学。

the morning, on the way to school, he bought ten donuts.───早上上学的路上,他买了十个甜甜圈。

I rushed all the way to school only to find that it was Saturday that day.───我一路跑去学校,不料那天是星期六。

All the way to school, I tried to come up with excuses for him to drop me off somewhere else, but I couldn't keep my thoughts in order.───每次去学校,我都找借口希望父亲能随便把我放在某个地方,但是想法都无法实现。

On the way to school, Mary found a wallet lying on the ground and picked it up.───在上学的路上,玛丽发现地上有一个钱夹,并把它拣了起来。

During my first few months of high school, I found myself walking part of the way to school with her.───上中学的头几个月,我发现,上学路上,我俩总能碰上,并能同走一段路。


I often see her walking past with the children on the way to school.

The pupil dawdled all the way to school.

I fell on the way to school.

On the way to school a wino totters.

Li Qiang, the way to school across the street to help a blind person.