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时间:2022-10-29 12:03:58 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2712字


I can read newspapers


读报───read newspapers;能───can


But why do people read newspapers?───但是为什么人要看报纸 呢 ?

I also read newspapers, magazines and books.───我还看报纸 、 杂志和书.

She likes the children read ( read ) newspapers and books in the reading - room.───她喜欢让学生们在读书室读报纸或书籍.

You can read newspapers to keep abreast of what is going on.───你可以通过看报了解时事.

Do you have anything to read, newspapers, magazines, novels, or whatever?───你有可以读的东西吗, 像报纸, 杂志, 小说或是别的读物.

We read newspapers as well as magazines.───我们看报纸也看杂志。

I usually read newspapers and watch TV.───我通常读报、看电视.

You should read newspapers to get abreast of what is going on.───你得读报以熟悉时事.


Forty-five percent of adult citizens do not read newspapers.

And they are often in well-off areas where readers—holidaymakers and the retired—have time to read newspapers and are unlikely to be lured away by the internet.

Hsin - mei said, " You philosophers study timeless questions, so naturally you don't read newspapers.