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时间:2022-10-29 00:04:25 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2934字


It's rude to scold your father for your son


对子───Couplet;骂父───Scolding my father


On the couplet , Mr Bao wrote : " Eternal remembrance to Ziyang. "───鲍彤 在挽联上写著 [ 永远怀念紫阳].

This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting.───这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。

Do acute hepatitis and second liver concern couplet? Can be you infected?───急性肝炎和乙肝有关联 吗 ?会传染 吗 ?

Is the person's preexistence true with couplet now?───人的前世真的与现在有关联 吗 ?

During the spring festival, I wrote an antithetical couplet and hung it on my door.───春节时我亲自题写了一副对联,挂在门的两侧.

Mountain and water, water and bridge, bridge and booth, booth and couplet and couplet and plaque.───有山必有水, 有水必有桥, 有桥必有亭, 有亭必有联,有联必有匾.

Before each couplet, there is a serial number, followed by its author and subject.───每副楹联之前有统一编号, 作者和标题.


This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting.

Couplet presumably for the Confucius Sinarum Philosophus, which supplied him with the information on which he based his discovery.

Execute couplet to produce contract after job responsibility.

This is a textbook example of a parallelistic couplet, with a mirror chiasmus. is parallel to.

The winning couplet in the Kitchen Competition?