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时间:2022-10-28 08:04:22 作者:学习啦 字数:2926字


Well dressed


衣冠济济───Well dressed


The girl was well dressed, as usual, in a more conservative style.───这个女孩和往常一样衣着华美, 尽管风格更显保守.

In a cigar store he saw a well - dressed man lighting a cigar a swinging light.───他看见一个雪茄店里有一个穿着好的男人,正在五光十色的灯光下点燃一只雪茄.

The men were not well dressed. Nor were the women.───男人们穿得不好,女人们也是.

The girl was well dressed, as usual, though in a more conservative style.───这个女孩穿得一如往日那样讲究,只是风格比平日更为传统。

Elegance is innate. It has nothing to do with being well dressed. Elegance is refusal.───高雅是内在的. 这与穿着没有关系,高雅是拒绝.

If you are well dressed, she says you are playboy!───你要是穿的帅一点, 她会说你是花花公子.

He was small and well dressed, and seemed to regard himself with some importance.───他个子不高,衣冠楚楚, 好像自以为有点了不起.

She's always well dressed.───她总是衣着考究。


The girl was well dressed, as usual, though in a more conservative style.

The mole: Handsome and well dressed as moles go; he wanted to marry Thumbelina.

People are well dressed on red-letter days.

She is well dressed.

William saw that he was well dressed with a dark, double-breasted suit and polished shoes.