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时间:2022-10-28 00:04:25 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3354字


work for others


庖代───work for others


When someone puts in the extra effort to package their work for others, then there is a fantastic network effect that lifts the entire community.───当有人付出了一些额外的努力,将他们自己的成果打包带给其他人时,接 着就会出现一个非常神奇的网络效应,把整个社区都带动起来。

Whether that service is defined as the processing of data or the act of carrying out a specific task, the business entity must believe it is performing work for others as an occupation or a business.───无论服务被定义为处理数据,还是实现特殊任务的行为,商业实体必须相信,它是作为一种职业或者商业为其它的商业实体提供服务。

If you work for others, you can find work on a level you've had before, quite unexpectedly.───若你是打工仔,你将找到和以前一样水平的工作。

Colleagues see a few of its work, I sometimes wonder why the boss, a person can create so much work for others to be completed?───看见同事们有做不完的工作,有时我想,为甚麽做老闆的,一个人就可以创造那麽多工作给别人去完成?

That's the whole problem with that genre; it's always someone's idea of what works for him or what he thinks will work for others.───这类书籍都有一个毛病:它总是关于作者那些对自己起作用或者认为会对其他人有效的想法。

I've read that it's supposed to "stay on top" , and I've seen this code work for others, but for some reason it's not working for me.───我读过它的应该“留在上面”,我已经看到了这对其他代码的工作,但由于某种原因,它不是为我工作。


N.B. Languages and language learners are very idiosyncratic and what works for some may not work for others.