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时间:2022-10-27 16:05:35 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2776字






This is the heart of the heart sutra.───这就是心经中最重要的部分。

He entered and recited a sutra before the family shrine.───他进了屋,在神龛前念了经文。

On its stomach are cast the Diamond Sutra and the county chronicle of Cangzhou.───铁狮腹腔内,铸有一部《金刚经》文和沧县志.

Ideal of karma runs through the whole early Chinese translation of sutra.───因果报应观念贯穿了整个初传汉译佛经叙事.

When we got there, there was already a crowd listening to a sutra.───当我们到那里时, 已经有一群人在那里听经了.

The Lotus Sutra is pretty long, so it took three years to finish.───法华经很长, 花了三年才印完.

Every family a sutra that hard to read!───家家有本难念的佛经!

The Nyaya school of philosophical speculation is based on a text called the Nyaya Sutra.───正理派的哲学思索是基于一部〈正理经〉.


It took 20 minutes, four helpers, a Kama Sutra repositioning and the removal of one ski.

The Kama Sutra means different things to different people.

In the evening, I read another sutra.

Yin ignored them, and kept reciting his sutra.

Every family a sutra that hard to read!