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时间:2022-10-27 16:00:46 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2582字


Take over


接道───Take over


However, China is not about to take over from the US as the benchmark market.───不过, 中国不会很快取代美国,成为全球基准市场.

He's had a good innings but now it's time for him to retire and let someone younger take over as director.───他成功地当了多年主任,不过现在该退休了,让更年轻的人来接替.

She decided that I was the ideal person to take over the job.───她认定我是接手这份工作的最佳人选。

Prime candidate to take over his job is Margaret Ramsay.───接替他工作的首要人选是玛格丽特·拉姆齐。

And you long to belong and especially when the false gods take over your channeling.───而你也渴望归属,尤其是当虚假神接管占据了你通灵管道的话.

It's still far from clear what action the government proposes to take over the affair.───政府打算采取何种行动处理该事件仍然十分不明朗。

I'm going to take over the company one day.───我总有一天会接管这家公司。

There are not enough trained younger men and women ready to take over from older experts.───现在科技人材青黄不接.
