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时间:2022-10-27 08:05:02 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2771字


Humming a ditty




And the ditty chosen to make this momentous journey seems more than appropriate.───这支单曲的选用使得这一重大的旅程变得更有趣.

We all like her ditty.───我们都喜欢她的小曲。

John poured the ditty water down the pipe.───约翰把脏水倒进了排水道.

The beggar sits on the side of the road singing ditty for money.───那个乞丐坐在路边唱着小曲讨钱.

This little ditty may arise because finding money is lucky in and of itself.───这种小迷信的兴起是由于捡钱本身就是一种幸运。

The fittingly tender title track, for example, is a heartbreaking *ditty about losing a loved one.───例如,温柔得恰到好处的专辑同名主打歌是一首讲述失去挚爱的心碎小调。

The Chinese rice wine's brewing includes ditty fermentation and da qu fermentation.───黄酒的酿造可分为小曲发酵和大曲发酵.


Sanqu earned by sweating, also ditty success.Sentencedict

There were two snow-white cotton ditty bags inside with their tie strings done in dainty bows.

John poured the ditty water down the pipe.

Used to tune folk songs, ditty, singing mainly in small places.

A handy ditty when competing with other firms.