First people
第一民───First people
The first people known to have settled in England were Celts.───已知的最早在英国定居的民族是凯尔特人。
The invitation says guests should arrive between 7:30 and 7:45, but our experience is that there are always a few who like to arrive early, so we'll expect the first people at 7:15.───邀请函上写着客人们应在7:30至7:45到场,但根据我们的经验,总会有些人喜欢提前到场,所以我们预计7:15就会陆续有人来了。
They became the greatest traders of the pre-classical world, and were the first people to establish a large colonial network.───他们成为前古典世界最伟大的商人,也是第一批建立庞大殖民网络的人。
Jim Bakker told me that when he got out of prison one of the first people to befriend him was Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham.───吉姆告诉我他刚获释的时候,第一个跟他结交的人就是葛培理的儿子葛弗林。
Three of the first people he talked to asked if the senator's second name was really Hussein and if it was true he was a Muslim.───在他首批交谈的人中,有3人问及奥巴马参议员的中间名是否真是侯赛因,以及他是否真的是穆斯林。
This is how much of the northern plains must have looked when the first people arrived.───这也许是第一批来到此处的人类在北方草原看到的景象。
At first people were sort of crying for joy and embracing each other.
At first, people learn about the band by word of mouth.
At first, people found Bartok's style harsh and ugly.
But they're the first people in the country to benefit from a revolutionary kind of wheelchair; the Sapphire.
The first people to leave went off hastily, while others lingered, girding themselves for the streets.