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时间:2022-10-25 16:03:35 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2786字


Base address


基址───Base address


This text box displays the default DLL base address in hexadecimal format.───此文本框用十六进制格式显示默认的DLL基址.

Enter the hexadecimal number to use as a base address, and then click OK.───输入要用作基址的十六进制数, 然后单击“确定”.

In base-pointer addressing mode, the register has the base address and the literal number has the offset.───在基指针寻址模式中,寄存器中保存的是基址,数字是偏移量。

The operating system first attempts to load a program at its specified or default base address.───操作系统首先尝试在程序的指定或默认基址加载程序.

Initially, this pointer is set to the managed heap's base address.───最初, 该指针设置为指向托管堆的基址.

A useful feature in the memory view is the Reset to Base Address action in the context menu.───内存视图中一个有用的特性便是内容菜单中的Reset to Base Address操作。

Old Zhiyun: Yakou Temple , Ying - Yuan dumping injure, Canbei base address remaining.───旧志云: 崖口古寺, 楹垣倾圮, 残碑基址仅存.

Here, there are three entities: one is the base address, the second is the index register, and the third is the multiplier.───这里有三项数据:一个是基地址,第二个是索引寄存器,第三个是乘数。
