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时间:2022-10-24 12:03:14 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2646字


Don't litter




Her room was in such a litter that she was ashamed to ask me in.───她的房间十分凌乱,所以不好意思请我进去.

Don't litter the place with wastepaper.───不要乱扔废纸.

Wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter.───清理猫粪时要带上橡胶手套。

He pushed aside the litter of books and papers and laid two places at the table.───他把桌子上凌乱堆放着的书本和报纸推开,摆了两套餐具。

The trash began to litter up the beaches.───垃圾开始使海滩脏乱.

Animals reject the runt of the litter.───动物们排斥一窝中最弱小的幼仔。

She heard smile through tears, throwing ground paper right away into litter bag.───她听了破涕为笑,马上把碎纸扔进了垃圾袋.

The streets were full of litter.───街道上满是乱扔的废纸.


Please do not leave litter.

It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places.

If you see litter in the corridor, pick it up.

There's litter everywhere. It's absolutely disgraceful.

It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public place.