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时间:2022-10-24 08:05:15 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2807字


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You feel that it's uneconomic to insist that people work together in groups. Why is this?───你觉得要求大家分组工作不划算,这是为什么呢?

Our buyers insist on high standards of workmanship and materials.───我们的买主对工艺和材料坚持要高标准。

Oh, very well , then, if you insist.───啊,那好吧,如果你坚持的话。

Since they insist on going, we'll simply push the boat with the current and let them go with us.───既然他们坚持要去, 干脆我们就顺水推舟,让他们一同去吧.

The psychologists insist, however, that they are not being prescriptive.───然而,心理学家坚称他们并非一味灌输。

The developers insist the 80m village will not leave a blot on the landscape.───开发商们坚称这个耗资8,000万的居住区不会破坏风景。

If you insist on leaving now , please go ahead.───你一定要走, 那就请便吧.

Study the language demand persistent, insist unremitting training.───学习语言需要持之以恒, 坚持不懈的训练.


If you insist, we have to declare the meeting off.

Please go first - I insist!

I insist on your being there.

Anyhow I must insist that you cannot steal.

We insist on / upon self-reliance.