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时间:2022-10-24 08:00:15 作者:语文迷 字数:2798字


People like a rainbow


斯人───this person;彩虹───rainbow


This person looks quite familiar to me.───这个人面善得很。

This person is not ill.───这个人没有病。

This person has a good nature.───这个人的本性是好的。

Now, at least on some level, the company is going to have to deal with this person.───现在,至少在某种程度,公司必须要与这人相处。

It could be very awkward to continue working with this person after breaking up with him or her.───分手以后还继续与对方共事可能会非常尴尬。

Seven, you would like to break, but was one step ahead of his people - met this person, only one word: "depressed. "───你想提出分手,却被他抢先一步的人——遇到这种人,只有两个字:“郁闷”。


However, if you can not find this person you will need to type a cover letter of application for your resume.

Just before the move, this person lived in hospital and attended day care.

We understand this person claims to have been stiffed on past bills by certain savvy political types.

This person might easily be the perpetrator of the crime that led to that appalling interment.

This person needs something more like a medieval crafts guild than the labor union of 1860-1980.